Wednesday 20 January 2016


I was going through my whatsapp contacts list this evening and kept scrolling it down till the end and I just realized that only six seven people among those are the ones who really matter (yeah, I know it took me long to realize that xD)
When I talk to my fellowmates, a very general thing they say, "ah! no, not in touch anymore..just 2 3 friends left from school".
Schools change. Life change. Friends change, But then there are some 'buddies' who stay with you no matter what. Even if you meet them after months or like year they are still the same. Accepting as who you are, all your flaws and mental defects!
So this one for all those who have been there in my ups and downs. Yes you know who you are ;')

P.S;- This is the effect of watching the last episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Otherwise, Me? This? NO No No NO!
Thankyou FRIENDS <3 Kudos!

Friday 15 January 2016

Alan Rickman

Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman aka Severus Snape (in Harry Potter) died yesterday at the age of 69. What a sad day. This man was very well known for his work on screen and stage.
Unlike his sarcastic and cold hearted exterior in Harry Potter (for which he is mostly known) he was a very kind and a generous man. Truly justifies why it is known as 'acting'.
He was the part of the most loved movie, which we have grown watching since our childhood.

Alan Rickman

You'll always be remembered sir :)

Saturday 9 January 2016

Walter Mitty

Susan was blankly staring at the rain drops falling down from the window.


"yeah?...ya what?"

"This is the fourth time I'm calling out your name. Can you please give your imagination a halt and come back here."

Susan kept quiet.

"I bought some snacks. Mom and Dad will be late again.", Rachel said taking out the snacks from the bag.

Susan picked up a can of juice and chips and left the room.
She was aware what she was doing. Degrading herself. She knew that living in her imagination would feed her nothing but it seemed satisfactory..somewhat better than reality.
Once Rachel saw her sitting alone near the bedside, talking to a table kept in front. This was usual, Susan loved talking to non-living things, imagining them to be someone else- a character from a movie, a celebrity, a person that she herself created in her thoughts, or sometimes even herself. Standing in front of the mirror, imitating her favorite character from a book or movie, dancing, singing, imagining different scenes and living in them, this is how she used to spend her days. Maybe she liked the peace in there, where no one talked but her imagination.

It was two weeks back when Mrs. Gilbert was switching off the lights when she heard someone sobbing. She followed the voice, Rachel also came out of her room half asleep. Voice was coming from the backyard.
Susan was sitting alone in the dark, weeping and hugging her pillow tightly.

"What happened Susan?" asked her mother with concern.

"He died! He is dead", Susan replied, still crying.

"Who died?", Mrs. Gilbert and Rachel asked together.

"He is bestfriend is dead", Susan answered pointing at her pillow. "We were playing at the terrace and he fell down. He is dead". Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Not stopping for a single second.

"Hey! Heyy! Look at me" Rachel took the pillow from Susan's hand and hugged her tightly, "No one is dead okay! It's just a pillow..stop's okay..."

Susan was taken to the hospital that night itself. Mr. Gilbert reached the hospital directly from his office.
"Don't let her be alone..Some people tend to imagine themselves into some situations when they are alone and create their own world. It's normal, there's nothing to worry about. Just try to spend as much time with her as you could.", the doctor said handing over the list of some anti-depressant and sleeping pills.
They knew it wasn't normal.

Rachel entered Susan's room with some more snacks. She took the can of juice from her hand and sat beside her.

"Go away", Susan said almost whispering

"What?", Rachel asked in a confused tone.

"Go away..I can't talk to you anymore"

"Why?" Rachel sensed something weird.

"Because I can't live like this. I have to abandon my imagination." Susan replied calmly

"Wait..what? , Rachel asked worriedly."You think this is your imagination..this..Me sitting here beside you, you think this is not real?",

Silence filled the room. Susan stared at her sister blankly. Without any expression she replied..

"I don't know.."

** 'Walter Mitty', I suppose most of you are aware of the movie 'The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty' in which Walter,the male protagonist, used to imagine himself as a war-time pilot or as an emergency room surgeon within fraction of seconds forgetting what's happening around him.
Same was the case with Stacy, where her life was affected by her own imagination and her vivid fantasies which grew up to that extent that she herself couldn't distinguish between her imagination and reality.

Having thoughts about future, dreaming about random things, imagining situations in which we want to be is good but sometimes we get fascinated with details so much that we forget what we are actually after. We keep lying to ourselves, we keep hiding from the reality because the lie seems acceptable but that's not how it works.

Walter and Susan need to wake up and acknowledge the truth because no matter how much one tries to escape one day or the other they have to deal with reality. And that's the beauty of life.**

P.S:- Any new ideas are most welcome. You may comment below.

Friday 8 January 2016


"I can't..I can't do this"


"Because I see my family members and guru in front of me. How can I kill them? How can you expect me to slaughter my own brothers? Could you? I can not entangle myself in this sin.What pleasure shall we seek in killing our own kinsmen? I desire no kingdom, no pleasure of victory."

Krishna gave him a wry smile and asked Arjun to look once again in the direction where his opponents were standing. Blitzkrieg!. Arjun opened his eyes and saw that his family members, his brothers, his guru, all the soldiers are lying dead in front of him.

"What's this?", asked Arjun worriedly. "Are they dead? Am I dreaming?"

"No Parth, you have just woken up", Krishna answered soberly, "You see these people are already dead, so are you. But not to our eyes that deceive us."
"Your dilemma is in reality, in this universe. Everyone faces dilemmas, some big some small.
And everyone has to make choices to dodge off these predicaments. Now you have to make choice, either shed blood of your brothers to be a true Kshatriya or run away from the battlefield in order to maintain peace and non-violence. It's your choice. Fight or quit."

"O Lord, with these apparently perplexed words you confuse my understanding. If they are already dead then why do you want me to kill them?", asked confused Arjun,

"Because you are a Kshatriya and fighting the wrong is your 'Karma'. All the universe is dead as you see in front of you but that's not how the balance is maintained. You are my instrument. You need to perform actions on my behalf  for the sake of the decorum. Be no coward Arjun, disembark this trivial weakness of your heart and get up for the battle. Do not get attached to these transitory physical bodies of your cousins. Unlike the Spirits our bodies are destructible. The physical bodies of the eternal and immutable spirits are perishable, therefore fight, O Arjun."

**Leaving my first post with the name of Bhagwat Geeta I continued it with some lessons given in the holy novel. Each sentence, each verse encompasses a hidden meaning.
Lord Krishna tells us that our deeds, our duty, our job is above all materialistic things.We grieve for those who are not worthy of grief, and yet speak words of wisdom. The wise grieves neither for the living nor for the dead.**

"Okay", said Arjun, "I'll give up my false designations and fight".

Thursday 7 January 2016


Well another year ended and I ended up learning nothing..well not exactly nothing, I learnt two new languages that decorated my CV but not something I genuinely wanted to.  
Honestly, I don’t do the “New year, New me” crap but this year, I decided to do something out of the box. I’m not a writer. I just think. I imagine. I create my own world. But how do I express it? How do I portray this sage insight into words? How do I channelize my thoughts into a description or argument?
Urghhhh!! It’s so confusing!
Okay , let’s take a reference. How do poets do it? Well..they follow the modest three steps procedure:
1. Pick a pen or pencil
2. Grab a piece of paper
3. Write
So that’s what I’m gonna do.
1. Say thank you to technology
2. Take my laptop and
3. Write.
Well I did some changes in the steps but okay now!..we don’t live in the past.
So now I’m gonna write. Write..about stuff I like and dislike, thoughts that are irrational, thoughts that are beyond logical and analytical thinking, thoughts that are not confined to the scope of any programming code.
And now this ‘programming code’ reminds me that I haven’t introduced myself yet.
Hola amigos! I’m Kritika Shukla. I’m pursuing from Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University (for Women)..umm I usually like to omit the part in the parenthesis but never mind. My hobbies include playing guitar, reading, dancing, acting, singing and much more which I’m not gonna bore you with.
As being an avid reader I’ll start my first post of this blog by quoting Shakespeare:

In the play 'As you like it' he says, "All the world's a stage,  and all the men and women merely players".

It seems like we just read these quotes and never give ourselves a minute to think about them.
We take no inspiration. We gain no knowledge. Though every one has a different aspect of life and their own philosophy.

My inspiration, my motivation is this universe. This life.  Everything happening around us from dawn to dusk. From “It’s 7:00 AM. Wake up Now!” till “It’s 2:00 AM. Go to Sleep!”.
We wake up. Eat. Drink. Breathe. Survive. For Whom? For ourselves? For our family and friends?
No..for this fake world we are living in. And by fake I don’t literally mean ‘fake’ people. By fake I mean the fake relations we have. Daughter’s mother..Husband’s wife..Mother’s daughter, nephew’s aunt  and living with just one name? So many identities yet one?Does it seem familiar?
okay..let us take an example- Romeo, The Great Gatsby,Jack Dawson, Jordan Belfort. We are well known with these characters and we are also aware of the very talented man, Leonardo DiCaprio, who has portrayed these characters on the big screen.
Now it seems similar? This is what we do in our real world stage. We act, in front of the people surrounding us. Their eyes being the 'Camera' and our deeds being the 'Action'.
I’m no Paulo Coelho to do such philosophical writing but at least I know that this world is fake yet real, our emotions are artificial yet genuine, our relations are sham yet true, our desires are insatiable yet contended. Don’t we know this already? Yes, we do. We just keep hiding from the truth because the lie seems easy to accept. Why choose easy?
Let’s draw a fine line between these two worlds. Let’s live every moment and die every instant. Let not these emotions and relations and desires bound us by any means .Let’s not get attached to our desires but not stop dreaming either. My father says in very simple words “रहिये भीतर भीतर जोगी, बहार से संसारी बनिए ।“
to be continued.....

P.S: I wasn’t thinking that my very first post will look like a Bhagwat Geeta’s chapter. Anyways i didn’t want to stop myself from writing whatever that was coming in my mind. Was just thinking and writing. So do you people.